Estate planning made easy with HoneyPro

Let us help you with our simple online service with HoneyPro. We'll help you get a clear plan in place for your money, property and other assets here and now. It’s never too early to protect what’s important to you and your family.

Get your free personalised report in just minutes.

If your answer to all the following questions is No, please click on the link below to create your simple Will and be protected.

  • Are you under the age of 30?
  • Do you have children?
  • Do you own your own business?
  • Do you have a Will?
  • How it works

    With a simple, quick and easy process that’s reassuringly human. In no time at all, you get an expert end-to-end estate planning service entirely from the comfort of your home or office. Follow these simple steps:

    Answer a few questions

    Generate your FREE report

    Choose your package

    Confirm your details

    Start your review now

    • Your review will take a few minutes. You will be asked a series of questions about your family, home and health. Our smart legal software processes your answers and generates a priceless personalised report – with a choice of packages to protect what’s important to you – for free. 
    • If you would still like to speak to a member of our team, book an appointment or click the button below. This will take you to our HoneyPro review page.

    Ready to protect your Family's future?

    Our team are here to help and support you if you need advice and guidance managing your estate.

    Professional will writers, serving the Midlands and beyond since 1993.

    best of walsall

    Contact Info

    Grosvenor House, 11 St Paul’s Square,
    Birmingham, B3 1RB

    0121 517 1731

     07931 991 717

    Monday to Friday 9am — 5pm

    Our Team are here to provide you with the best service and guidance. Complete the details below to Request a Call Back.


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